This has been a very strange month in the publishing industry. If you haven't heard, down below the Mason-Dixon, Baltimore's mayor, Catherine Pugh,...
September 19 , 2018
Reviews redux
Last month, I took you on a tour of Fakespot, the online service that spots "fake" reviews. Many of you provided feedback and I am happy to report ...
August 19 , 2018
The importance of high-quality reviews
It is so important to accumulate reviews for your books. As I have mentioned several times, we tend to use NetGalley for our fiction and Cision for...
September 19 , 2017
Hollywood anyone?
A couple of weeks ago, I was able to dedicate eleven consecutive days to the Press. During this time, I cooked up the imprints and thought a lot ab...
March 19 , 2017
What Is NetGalley?
Forgive me if I moved a little too quick on this topic. It became clear in recent weeks that many of you were confused about our change in process ...
February 19 , 2017
NetGalley Update
We've now had another month in NetGalley, building up an advanced readership. NetGalley promises about an 80% response rate from their readership. ...
January 19 , 2017
The Importance of Reviews
A couple of years ago, I did a study of the impact of reviews on our book sales. It turned out that books with at least one review -- even a bad on...