Author - Barbara Trainin Blank
When I was a child I entertained myself while walking home from school by making up stories in my head. One of my heroes was Nelly Bly, the investigative reporter. I always listened to snippets of conversation and expanded them. Yet, my goal, far as I could tell, was to become a social worker. After starting and leaving graduate school, I felt lost--and went to an employment agency. There an astute counselor asked me what I wanted to do. Even before the question was out of her mouth, I said, "Write." She responded, "Then why not go into publishing?" When I replied, "You can't make a living as a writer," she had the perfect retort: "Do you want to make money, or do you want to be happy?" Shortly after I accepted a job at Cosmopolitan magazine, which launched a career that has made me happy. Since then I have written articles (including theater reviews and previews and book reviews) for newspapers and magazines; reports; grant applications; and essays. I've edited books and many other forms of writing for clients, and recently published a book, What to Do about Mama: A Guide to Caring for Aging Family Members, co-authored with Barbara G. Matthews. (Sunbury Press is the publisher, and the book is available on Amazon). I am at work on a second book, a biography of a noted entrepreneur/philanthropist in central Pa. When people ask what I write about, I say--only partly facetiously--that I write anything for which I get paid that's legal and ethical. I've covered topics as diverse as car care and art museums; real estate and health; business executives and theater previews/reviews. In an age of specialization, I remain an unrepentant generalist.
A Book of Plays$16.95The Playwrights Alliance of Pennsylvania, or PA...The Playwrights Alliance of Pennsylvania, or PAPA, for short, was spear-headed by the late Marjorie Bicknell and incorporated on June 20, 2008. Shortly after incorporation, the group began to hold ... -
Barbara G Matthews
What to Do About Mama?$19.95Expectations and Realities of Caregiving Everyo...Expectations and Realities of Caregiving Everyone is a potential caregiver—sometimes caring for multiple generations of family members at once. This is a role many of us are ill-prepared for, and c... -
Barbara Trainin Blank
Mary Sachs: Merchant Princess$12.95by Barbara Trainin Blank At a time when women r...by Barbara Trainin Blank At a time when women rarely went into business for themselves, Mary Sachs, an immigrant from a poor family with little formal education, became perhaps the most successful ...