Author - Scott E Hendrix
Scott E. Hendrix earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee in 2007, specializing in the history of science. Scott started teaching at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin, upon graduation, and over the years has taught classes about world, medieval, and early modern history, as well as the history and philosophy of science. Scott has maintained an active research agenda, publishing numerous books, articles, book chapters, and even an encyclopedia on The World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. Growing up, Scott never cared much for history, until in college he learned that history is about understanding why the world is at it is, rather than just the memorization and regurgitation of information. This has led to a life-long passion to communicate that to his students and readers.
In addition to his academic interests, Scott enjoys travel, sometimes with students, sometimes alone, but the best is when he can travel with his wife Kelly. Together they have visited more than a dozen countries in Europe, Central America, and Africa. Scott is also a long-time martial artist, and in his younger and fitter days—way back in 1997—was the Professional Kickboxing Circuit heavyweight champion of Alabama, the state where he was born. These days he lives a quieter life, teaching at Carroll University where he is an Associate Professor of History, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where he lives with his wife and a small menagerie of dogs and cats.
Scott E Hendrix
Gods, Philosophers, and Scientists1 review$19.95by Scott E Hendrix Religion and Science in the Scott E Hendrix Religion and Science in the West According to Pew Research studies, most Americans think religion always conflicts with science. The popular writings of scientists such as Richar...