The #1 Myth to Finding Your Purpose | Author Lisa Hromada

Spirituality author Lisa Hromada weighs in on the most common myth about finding your purpose ✨

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"The #1 Myth to Finding Your Purpose"

by Lisa Hromada

From the day that you are born, you innately seek to be happy. And for good reason. Life isn’t meant to be a constant struggle; it’s meant to be enjoyed and fully lived. It’s meant to be purposeful — hence your natural desire to find “purpose.” And when you find purpose, you also find happiness.

The challenge comes when you inevitably face struggles, setbacks, stresses and other undesirable experiences, leaving you to feel unclear as to how to go about living the life that you want. Despite these experiences, you are also a divine creation and are infinitely connected with the Source of all creation — God. And as such, you have divine empowerments available to you at any moment. These empowerments are ones that lead you to happiness, purpose, fulfillment, and to creating a life of your choosing.

The question is, “How?” Your path to happiness and to finding your purpose isn’t always clear. You might get caught up in negative thoughts, people and circumstances, and what you have not yet achieved, that you never feel truly happy. In fact, you feel out of balance.

Your pursuit for “more” often seems like a journey through a desert filled with mirages. You might see what you’re looking for just up ahead, but once you get there, it’s not quite what you thought it would be. You then go about seeking “more” once again. This eager pursuit often leaves little room to experience lasting happiness and the satisfaction that comes from feeling that you are living your unique purpose.

Debunking the #1 myth about finding your purpose

“It’s up to me, alone, to find my purpose.”

In the pursuit for purpose, there is often a false belief that it’s all up to us to find our life’s purpose. This is, in fact, the #1 myth about finding your purpose — that you must do it alone. What we’re talking about here is the perspective that if you think hard enough, try hard enough, and even worry enough, that you can finally find what you’re meant to do in this life. In your pursuit, you might follow what others are doing, thinking they must be doing it right because they seem to have found happiness.

Yet when you follow another’s path, you don’t walk in their shoes and achieve their successes. The only way to find your purpose and ultimately lasting happiness, is to walk in your own shoes and carve your own path. And you do so, alongside God.

“There are many paths one can take, but the final journey to peace, happiness and to God is always an inner path carved by you, in your shoes."

There is no time that God is not with you. After all, you can never be separate from that which you came. This is part of your sacred connection in divinity. For that reason, you are never alone in your pursuit for purpose and happiness. And your purpose — it is important to note — is dependent upon what you are uniquely co-writing with God.

You are the co-writer, not the sole-writer of your life.

There are three stories to your life. These stories were revealed to me through my own pursuit for purpose, meaning and happiness, and my desire to eliminate the inner-struggle and suffering I had been experiencing. Through this, I became especially enlightened to the importance of trusting in a greater plan that I was not yet aware of.

The Three Stories of Your Life

  1. There is the story that you write. (This is your pursuit for meaning, purpose, and happiness.)
  2. There is the story that is being written through you by God (This is God's special prayer for you every day, and God's work in guiding your life toward meaning, purpose, and happiness within the bigger picture of creation.)
  3. And there is the story that you can co-write with God. (This comes when you find alignment and harmony between the first two stories.)


What are the five steps to co-writing your story with God?

These three stories are what bring clarity to and allow you to align with your unique purpose. And from this perspective, you begin to see prayers answered.


Clear your path to happiness and live a life of your choosing

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that while we may not always feel happy, it is entirely possible to experience happiness more often — so much so that we can look back on our life and be sincerely satisfied with the way we lived it. In order to clear your path to happiness, you must understand, practice and embody three supreme gifts that you were given upon coming into this life. These gifts are love, thought and free will.

They are fundamental spiritual teachings first revealed in the book, Love is the Seed, that speak to the core of life. In essence, it says, “Lasting happiness is always found within, because ‘within’ is your connection with the love and guidance of God.”

The three supreme gifts are the “divine empowerments” available to you at any moment and are what lead you to experience happiness, purpose and fulfillment (mentioned earlier).

"Every moment is an opportunity to come alive to the powers of love, thought and free will." 

These gifts speak to how through divine love, you are given your greatest empowerments, which allow you to, in companionship with God, find your unique purpose, enjoy more moments of happiness, create a life of your choosing, and improve any aspect of your life moving forward. They speak about how to harness the power of your thoughts to create better experiences. And they reveal how to use free will to take action in your life in alignment with the higher source of your being. The teachings are the very foundation by which that spiritual part of you and the physical part of you come into harmony.

Graphic about love and free will and its role in helping you find purpose

What I discovered as I pursued this path to understanding the three supreme gifts is that these gifts alone — that you have access to right now — encompass all aspects of this life, in a way that once they are understood, can completely shift your life in alignment with divinity.

It is, indeed, possible to find your unique purpose and clear your path to happiness. It happens through co-writing your unique story with God and living your own divine truth through the gifts of love, thought and free will.

“If you have ever wanted to know the meaning or purpose of your life, how to master or navigate your life, and really any question you may have about your life, it all comes down to what you have at this very moment. What you have is love, thought and free will.” - Lisa Hromada, The Three Supreme Gifts


About the Author

Lisa Hromada spirituality author


LISA HROMADA is an author, speaker, and leader in the field of spirituality and self-development. She is the author of Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World and The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now. The foundation for her work stems from spiritual teachings that were revealed in the early 1980s, and her books have been described as liberating, uplifting, deeply healing, and nothing short of transformational. Learn more at


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