Keystone Tombstones Volume 3, Joe Farrell and Joe Farley's biographical compilation of noteworthy people buried in Pennsylvania, ranked #1 due to author activities and advance sales. The Joes will be at the Sunbury Press store in Mechanicsburg this Saturday, May 10, from 2 to 6, as part of the annual Wine Walk event..
About Keystone Tombstones Volume 3:
Joe Farrell and Joe Farley explore the cemeteries (and pubs) of Pennsylvania in search of interesting graves and stories about the interred.
Included in this volume:
Nick ADAMS “Johnny Yuma Was a Rebel”
Marian ANDERSON “A Voice Heard Once in a Hundred Years”
“Babes in the Woods”
John BARRYMORE “The Great Profile”
Robert CASEY “The Three Time Loss from Holy Cross”
Jimmy DORSEY “A Fabulous Dorsey”FLIGHT 93 Crash Site “40 Heroes”
“Four Founders”
“Fox and Cox”
Joe William FRAZIER “Smokin' Joe”
Dave GARROWAY “The Communicator”
Harry GREB “The Human Windmill”
John Frederick HARTRANFT “Old Johnny”
Robert (Bob) HESS “More than Just a Scientist”
“The Kelayres Massacre”
John MCDERMOTT “Golf's Unknown Champion”
Mary Pinchot MEYER “The Mysterious Case of Mary Pinchot Meyer”
Teddy PENDERGRASS “Life Is a Song Worth Singing”
Molly PITCHER “From Molly Pitcher to Black Hawk Down”
Art ROONEY “The Chief”
Lillian RUSSELL “The Great American Beauty”
Arlen SPECTER “The Single Bullet Theory Senator”
”Titanic Victims and Survivors”
Willie THROWER “Football's Jackie Robinson”
"Pirates' Pride”
John UPDIKE “One of America's Best”
Grover WASHINGTON, Jr. “The Smooth Jazzman”
Anthony WAYNE “Mad Anthony”
Unusual TombstonesMarie Sontag's YA novel The Bronze Dagger jumped to #2, thanks to author activities and events in the San Jose, California area.
Joe Fair's Vietnam memoir, Call Sign Dracula, slipped to #3.
Mike Campbell's Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last held at #4 thanks to strong sales across the globe.
Ricky Bruce's middle grade novella, Stink Bomb, grabbed #5 thanks to author activities and events in the San Jose, California area.
Alan Mindell's baseball love story, The Closer, slipped to #6.
Keith Rommel's The Cursed Man, being made into a movie, continued to sell well in southern Florida, and took #7.
Jesus the Phoenician, the ground-breaking book about the origins of Jesus Christ by Karim El Koussa, returned to the rankings at #8 thanks to strong international sales.
Robin Donaruma's visionary fiction YA novel The Undecided debuted at #9.
Jesus Runs Away, the Catholic school memoir by Joe Farrell, debuted at #10 thanks to author activity.
Following are the top overall print sellers by category:
History / Memoir - Keystone Tombstones 3 by the Joes
Fiction - The Bronze Dagger by Marie Sontag
Horror/Mystery - The Cursed Man by Keith Rommel
Children/YA - The Bronze Dagger by Marie Sontag
The Arts - Contemporary Photo Impressionists by T K McCoy
Self-Help - What to Do about Mama? by Barbs Matthew & Blank
Metaphysical/Spiritual - Jesus the Phoenician by Karim El Koussa
Reference - Education Behind Bars by Christopher ZoukisThe company released four new titles during the month of April:
Freemasons at Gettysburg by Sheldon Munn, The Undecided by Robin Donaruma, Nobody Dies in Kansas by April Knight and Keystone Tombstones Volume 3 by Joe Farrell and Joe Farley.
For a list of Sunbury's all-time best-sellers, please see the Sunbury Press web site:
For a complete list of recent and upcoming releases, please see: