October 11 , 2016
"Redemption" is a love story about an unlovable woman and the man who refused to give up
MECHANICSBURG, Pa. -- Sunbury Press has released Redemption, Courtney Frey's follow-up to her memoir Restitution.
About the Book:
After surviving a childhood and adolescence rife with sexual and emotional abuse, enduring conflicting feelings about the adoption of her firstborn son, and becoming a young bride—and a young mother, again—Courtney Frey navigated the precarious territory of early adulthood on what she felt was the other side of the bridge she and Rebecca had built as girls. But with memories of her past always just below the surface and her mental illness threatening to bubble over and destroy her present, Courtney's life whirled out of control, careening on the edge of blissful highs and dangerous lows. In her real-life tale of being a birth mother, an army wife, and a mom of three earning her college degree, Courtney also shares her struggles with mania, married life, family relationships, parenting, career choices, substance abuse, and discovering her own strength and true priorities from the depths of her darkest hours.Redemption is a love story about an unlovable woman and the man whose refusal to give up on her aides her in saving her own life.
Read Courtney's story from the beginning in Restitution (Sunbury Press, 2015). In a story about searching for self-love, overcoming family dysfunction, surviving abuse, and fighting back, Courtney reveals to the reader the secrets of her emotional journey and tells the tale of her quest for purpose and healing, as well as the desire to be needed, wanted, loved, and validated. The story of Courtney's early life includes heart-wrenching and haunting child abuse, a murder, an adoption, new friendships, a paralyzing accident, teenage pregnancies, and homelessness, as well as budding mental illness. Based on the truth of her own childhood and young adult life, Courtney demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit, that finding love starts with purpose, and that, even against the odds, nothing is ever in vain.
None of what I am about to do makes sense. Looking into the mirror I can hear my mother's words, two margaritas in, just ten hours before: "Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" She had been talking to James. Not to me.
The attendant from the front desk pokes her head into the tiny dressing room, her white hair colliding into the pink paisley wallpaper.
"Would you like some help, dear?" She feels sorry for me, but I'm not sure why. I'm sure she does this all the time.
Turning her away with a half smile I look around the small room, wondering if James' dressing room looks like this. I can't help but laugh a little because a Marine in a pink flowered wallpaper room is almost as ridiculous as a first date wedding in Las Vegas.
I wonder out loud, "Am I really doing this? I mean, am I really?" I can almost feel my Nonnie's loving arms around me, her soft words of warning, "Now, Courtney Ann, you better pray about this first."
I want to pray, but the words won't come. I hear myself thinking about James, on the first night we met, that he was the man I was going to marry someday. I listen as the empty space around me spills sweet hopes straight into my spirit, and I wonder if the greatest choices I have ever made were all born from a whim. Does my heart know better than I do? Or am I just a single teenage mom with no way out, looking to James to save me and Amanda?
He was so handsome on that first night almost two years ago. The time we spent talking together in the garage on those cold cement steps worked some sort of magic that allowed me to release my demons and in some way find the strength to hope again. If a nineteen-year-old virgin Marine who had his entire life pulled together in a perfect bow of faith-tied ribbons could even wrap his heart around the idea that I could be worth something . . . just the thought of the possibility was transforming.
We'd spoken on the phone in the following year, discovering more about one another and secretly engaging the idea that maybe love at first sight wasn't as silly as people made it sound. He went on to do a tour overseas, and I gave birth to Amanda, afterward, slowly trying to pick up the pieces of my lost years.
I hear murmurs of people outside the dressing room, but I need more time. I need to go back and recall all the reasons that getting married at nineteen, on what is really our first date, doesn't seem so ludicrous. I have to justify it somehow to myself. They can wait.
Authored by Courtney Frey
List Price: $19.95
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on White paper
276 pages
Sunbury Press, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-1620066584
ISBN-10: 1620066580
BISAC: Biography & Autobiography / Women
Available on Kindle
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