October 26 , 2016
Solomon Screech Owl Goes to the Australia
MECHANICSBURG, Pa. -- Sunbury Press has released Beth Lancione's Solomon Screech Owl's Kangaroo Caper. The book was illustrated by Kathy Haney.
About the Book:
In the fourth of Solomon Screech Owl's stories, Sollie travels to the land down under, exploring the Australia where he meets many of the strange and wonderful creatures that dwell there.
About the Author & Illustrator:
The late Beth Lancione, formerly of Etters, PA, retired from a long career in public education and began what she hoped would be a long second career as an author of children's books. The Solomon Screech Owl stories, conceived as an eight book series in which Sollie will visit the seven continents in his quest to see all that the world has to show him, was inspired by Beth's love for her grandchildren, her enjoyment of adventurous travel, and her experiences working with owls as a volunteer at a rescue facility for injured birds of prey.
Kathy Haney, a retired high school art teacher, resides in Salem, Oregon. She is an active award-winning artist, creating drawings and watercolor paintings, designing posters, and illustrating books. An area of special interest for her is early childhood literacy, having taught young parents the value of reading to their infants, volunteering in Guatemala's efforts to increase literacy in indigenous peoples, and proudly being the first person to read a book to her grandchildren. Kathy and her husband, Gary, love to travel, and much of her artwork reflects the peoples and cultures they encountered. She is excited to share the adventure of travel with Solomon's readers.
Beth and Kathy had been friends since high school. The Solomon Screech Owl series is their literary collaboration.
Solomon Screech Owl's Kangaroo Caper
Authored by Beth Lancione, Illustrated by Kathy Haney
List Price: $19.95
8.5" x 8.5" Hardcover
Color on White paper
38 pages
Sunbury Press, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-1620067871
BISAC: Childrens / Adventure
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