January 19 , 2014
Sunbury Press bookstore to open February 1 in Mechanicsburg
MECHANICSBURG, Pa. -- Sunbury Press, the book publisher of trade paperbacks and eBooks located at 50 West Main Street, Mechanicsburg (www.sunburypress.com), is celebrating its tenth year in business in 2014. Sunbury's books feature established and emerging authors in many fiction and nonfiction categories and are sold through leading booksellers worldwide.
“2013 was our best year ever,” said co-owner Lawrence Knorr. “Our sales topped all prior years and we exhibited at Book Expo America in New York City. We also held several great events at our Mechanicsburg office.” Sunbury Press has grown rapidly over the years and now publishes, on average, 70 books a year, having over 200 titles and 120 authors under management. “We are a traditional press, not a vanity press,” explained co-owner Tammi Knorr. “We receive over 1,000 manuscript proposals a year and select only the best for publication. We do not charge our authors to publish. Instead, we invest in the manuscript by editing, designing and formatting it into a high quality finished product at our expense. We then pay our authors royalties on the sales.” Some of Sunbury Press's best-selling titles include “Pit Bulls” by Anthony Julien, a compilation of historic photos of pit bulls with their families, the “Keystone Tombstones” series by Joe Farrell and Joe Farley, documenting the lives and graves of famous people buried in Pennsylvania, Mike Campbell's “Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last,” revealing the fate of the aviatrix, lost in the South Pacific,” and Ernie Marshall's “That Night at Surigao,” recording the last engagement between battleships in World War 2. In addition to local, regional and world history, the company publishes historical fiction, action adventure, murder mysteries, horror, literary fiction, children's, self-help, sports and etc. The Knorrs have decided to up the ante in 2014, converting their office, which had been a showroom and event space, into a full-fledged Sunbury Press bookstore. “We had a lot of success with our author events – especially on First Fridays,” said Lawrence. “We had people standing out on the sidewalk trying to hear our authors who were presenting inside. While the vast majority of our sales are online and through bookstores around the world, we have had a number of local people who just want to stop in to buy our books. Our books sold well at our events, so we've invested in shelves and fixtures and will be offering all of our titles all of the time at our 50 West Main Street location.” The new Sunbury Press retail store opens February 1st. Store hours are Tuesday thru Friday 10-5 and Saturday from 9 to 2.