February 07 , 2020
3 Fascinating Literary Novels about Puerto Rico
Former New York Daily News reporter Robert Friedman pens three fascinating literary novels about Puerto Rico
Crime, corruption, colonialism, and compassion. The Puerto Rico Trilogy by Robert Friedman consists of three separate character-driven novels that focus on this Caribbean island and its complex political and social relationship with the US.
Whether you want to see what it's like to live in Puerto Rico or you're in the mood for a well-written literary fiction series, former New York Daily News reporter Robert Friedman's got you covered
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The Puerto Rico Trilogy
Book 1: The Odyssey of Pablo Camino
"Robert Friedman has managed to blend the mystery tale and a politically charged event to create a masterful literary novel that addresses contemporary issues of global human significance. The story races along at breakneck speed. It is well-written, well-paced and thoroughly satisfying." -- Edgardo Vega Yunqué, prize-winning author of No Matter How Much You Promise to Cook or Pay the Rent You Blew It Cauze Bill Bailey Ain't Never Coming Home Again
About the Book:
The Odyssey of Pablo Camino was inspired by a real-life incident when a stateside doctor, sent to the island for research, claimed in a letter that he purposely killed eight of his patients because of his disgust with the "natives." In this first novel, the doctor's fictional son, a well-known but troubled Puerto Rican artist, goes on a search for the truth of his father's possibly murderous past.
Click HERE for Paperback of The Odyssey of Pablo Camino
Click HERE for eBook of The Odyssey of Pablo Camino
Book 2: The Defining Sea
"A gripping account of lost love, the temptations of the drug trade, and the struggle to survive in a difficult world." -- Kal Wagenheim, author, playwright, and editor of The Puerto Ricans: A Documentary History
About the Book:
The Defining Sea was also sparked by US-Puerto Rico history. Its plot is derived from the US Navy's decades-long fire and bombing exercises on the inhabited offshore Puerto Rico island of Vieques, which caused death and serious illness.
This story concerns a 20-year-old University of Puerto Rico student who delivers drugs between the island and the states to raise money for a scholarship that will be named after his girlfriend, killed by police during a protest.
Click HERE for Paperback of The Defining Sea
Click HERE for eBook of The Defining Sea
Book 3: Ulysses in San Juan
The year is 1980, and Wolf, a survivor of Auschwitz, is trying once again to build a new life, this time in Puerto Rico. As the final novel in the trilogy, Ulysses in San Juan tells of a captivating relationship between a Jewish concentration camp survivor and a Puerto Rican female drug addict. It takes the reader on a trip into the San Juan underworld, as well as to other island sites to meet crooked, poignant, and colorful characters.
Click HERE for Paperback of Ulysses in San Juan
Click HERE for eBook of Ulysses in San Juan
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