September 04 , 2024
How to: Get a Book Review
Getting book reviews is often the white whale search. Successfully spearing a review in New York Times Book Review section is the ultimate prize. It is a bit like Melville's Ishmael said “As for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.” But we all know that those types of voyages don't tend to work out. The good news is that trawling with a net is much better than throwing out individual harpoons. Many, many outlets are looking for books to review, author profiles to conduct, and news stories to write. Like any successful effort, it begins with superior research. When searching for Reviews or other types of coverage, the key is finding the following:
- Find the right Review Site(s) that fits your book, your genre. Sunbury Book Review Sites, and remember most Newspapers & Weeklies have Arts and Entertainment departments that are looking for content, to do reviews or have profiles on local authors and book topics that have a local connection.
- Locate the right Reviewer(s) or Managing Editor.
- If possible, determine if the Reviewer is open to accepting reviews or stories
- Then, Communicate the right message via e-mail
I pulled this simple template from the "A Literary Escape" website. I liked this approach because it is simple and straightforward. There are many other websites offering similar advice, check here and here for other perspectives:
Hello [insert reviewer name - this is key],
My name is [insert requestor name] and I’m reaching out to you with the hope that you would [insert request]. I found your [blog/bookstagram/etc.] and thought you might be interested in [book title] because it looks like you have an interest in reading [i.e young adult fantasy book, or insert other reason]. I’ve provided a synopsis of my book below and attached a digital copy should you be interested in it.
[insert synopsis] - [remember to keep the synopsis brief & snappy, if you are happy with the book description on the Sunbury website catalog - use that]
[Another tip - if you have a positive review from another outlet.... use a line from that outlet and cite the source]
If you have any questions, please let me know. If you aren’t able to read and review my book [or other request], that’s ok, too.
Thank you,
[insert requestor’s name & any other relevant ] https://aliteraryescape.com/
2024/01/24/how-to-ask-for-a- book-review/
No doubt, the process of prospecting for reviews/interviews can seem to be a thankless chore. Thus the last tip is don't burn out on this effort. Just sending 3-7 emails daily will yield results. Authors know better than most that there is no such thing as overnight success, building buzz takes time. To be a published author takes sustained effort over an extended time; letting the world know about your art also takes patient, sustained effort. Thus, we will close with Herman Melville's Ishmael again, “I try all things, I achieve what I can.” Happy hunting.