Jyssica Schwartz
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Bill Foley
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Robin R Reed
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Rick Dapp
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Dorsman & Davis
How to Achieve Peace of Mind$16.95by Dorsman & Davis A Practical Guide Dorsman & Davis A Practical Guide Stressed out? Losing your temper or sedating yourself may offer short-term relief but will ultimately backfire. Instead, look within. You have the power to ... -
Dimino & Johnson
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Kerry A Whitelock
Code Calm on the Streets$12.95by Kerry A WhitelockCode Calm on the Streets Kerry A WhitelockCode Calm on the Streets - Mental Toughness Skills for Pre-Hospital Emergency Personnel : provides the concepts and psychological skills for performance enhancement in medical... -
Michael A Panar
Create a Healthy Lifestyle$19.95by Michael A Panar"Create a Healthy Lifestyle" Michael A Panar"Create a Healthy Lifestyle" will help you to achieve a healthy lifestyle in a more "holistic" way, involving four aspects of the human condition: physical, mental/emotional, spir... -
Brandon Musgrave
Hour 30$16.95by Brandon MusgraveA 30-hour shift without Brandon MusgraveA 30-hour shift without sleep is something akin to running a marathon, in terms of sheer exhaustion. Brandon Musgrave should know. While in medical school, he endured many of the... -
James A Golczewski
Life Extension: Current and Future Possibilities$19.95by James GolczewskiThis book discusses life James GolczewskiThis book discusses life extension and aging. It covers diet and dietary supplements, caloric restriction, dietary recommendations, benefits of specific vitamins and minerals, re... -
Michael J Asken
Psych Up or Psych Out$14.95by Michael J Asken The Sport Parents' Guide to Michael J Asken The Sport Parents' Guide to Helping Young Athletes Master Mental Toughness in Sport. If you have a son or daughter who is a young athlete, you already know, or will soon know, ...